Sonic Age 2006..... Year In Review
Well it's that time again, where we sit and reflect on the year we had and what lies ahead. We had a busy year in '06, the busiest for the band thus far. We picked up several new venue's including The Grist Mill, Harry's, The Cove & Avalon Gardens, thanks to all involved for supporting us. We resumed and completed the recording of our CD entitled 'Monster Inside'. It was a long process taking several months to complete. The final mixes just came back from the studio and they sound fantastic, we are so anxious for everyone to hear this. It's 14 Tracks of all original Sonic Age goodness available for your ears in January '07! We played Party on the Plaza this year again, this will be the 4th year that Sonic Age was there and by far, this was the biggest one yet. In April we spread out and played The Cove in Geneva-on-the-Lake and that was a killer time.
Several shows stick out as hi-lights: St. Patty's day @ Papa Louie's was insane, POTP was amazing with over 1000 people and Halloween at Harry's was standing room only with a line of people at the door waiting to get in! Those are just a few of the stand outs to a full year of partying with you guys, but every show was special in one way or another!
2006 also saw Sonic Age become the 'Official Party Band' of Classic Rock Y-103...and officially kicked off the announcment by being the first local band to play at Knockout's for 600+ people! We thank the folks at Y-103 for all they have done for us and continue to do. This has already proven to be an amazing partnership and we look forward to what lies ahead. We also started Sonic Age's version of Wal*Mart this year - with a full line of merchandise that has out sold our expectations 10 fold. We thank all of you for the support and are excited every time we have to re-order stock!
Finally as we look forward to 2007 we feel a sense of pride in this band. Our CD will be out in January, so we have a lot of things planned to coincide with that and a lot of cool promotions coming up. We are also happy to be booked back at all our favorite clubs again and happy to add a few new ones to the mix including O'Donald's in Austintown & Drunken Jacks in Poland. We are planning for the long term with this thing!!! We don't want to burn out and fade away, we want to stay strong and consistent. Every year since this band has started was better than the next. Will it be hard to top this year? You bet! But there are great things ahead for us and no matter what, we know we can always count on our friends, family and fans that love and support us. We love you guys and we do this for you as much as we do it for ourselves. When you have a great time and feel pride in us, we feel it twice as much for you! We love you guys and thank you all for a killer year. would have thought we would be talking about the year 2007? It's almost here and it is going to kick ass! Thanks for the memories in 2006 - and here are to the ones we have yet to make in the new year! Cheers!
Joe, Steve, Mike, Eric
- Sonic Age
Sonic Age: Not Just Your Typical Rock Band!
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